The Polo Ligure Scienze della Vita is a centre for research and innovation in the Region of Liguria.

The other Poles recognized by the Liguria Region are:

PLSV includes all the main public and private entities in the field of life sciences, and aims to better respond to local needs, making the region and its businesses more competitive in terms of advanced healthcare technology.

Created by Liguria regional council, combining the three previous innovation and research centres and in cooperation with Soggetto Gestore Liguria Digitale S.p.A. PLSV intends to serve as a development and competitiveness model for manufacturing and research in the life sciences, by stimulating demand for innovation and technology transfer, and creating a network that supports and increases the effectiveness of the companies involved.

PLSV is a member of the Cluster Nazionale Alisei



PLSV is an independent, non-partisan, apolitical and non-profit organisation with a streamlined structure.

Assembly of members
consisting of the legal representatives of all members, takes decisions on

  • strategic guidelines of PLSV defined by the management committee;
  • Appointment or ratification of the manager;
  • Appointment of the scientific and technical committee;
  • Appointment of the management committee;
  • Changes to the statutes;
  • Any other questions brought to its attention by the manager, management committee, or scientific and technical committee.



  • Liguria Digital s.p.a. (DGR n. 245 of 24/03/2017);
  • Manages the assembly and the management committee
  • Coordinates and liaises with the strategic development area of the manufacturing sector and economy of Liguria with relation to the region's department of economic development, in pursuit of PLSV's objectives

President: Ing. Enrico Castanini, Amministratore Unico e Direttore Generale di Liguria Digitale s.p.a.

Management committee

  • The governing body of PLSV, which submits strategy for approval by members and supports the manager's role of coordination and liaison;
  • Chaired by the manager's representative, with three members appointed by the members' meeting.

Ing. Enrico Castanini - Liguria Digitale S.p.A.

Ing. Pietro Amoretti - Esaote S.p.A. 

Ing. Gianluca Levrero - Ebit S.r.l.
relations with Ligurian, national and international health authorities

Dott.ssa Barbara Canesi - Nextage S.r.l.
activities related to regional, national and international public funding programs and representation in the trade winds Cluster

Dott. Giancarlo Mascetti - HumanaVox S.r.l.
relationships with associated companies and activities related to investment funds

Dott.ssa Michela Spagnuolo - CNR
technology transfer activities

Dott. Simone Torretta - Istituto Chiossone
communication and territorial, national and international marketing

Technical and scientific committee

  • The technical and scientific body of PLSV, which defines the centre's priorities taking account of regional strategies, emerging technologies, technology sectors and core competencies in the region.
  • It has a maximum of 16 members appointed by the members’ meeting, one of whom serves as president.

President Prof.ssa Silvia Morbelli
Vicepresident Dott. Giuseppe Patanè
Dott.ssa Cristina Biasizzo
Dott. Giampaolo Brichetto
Prof.ssa Maura Casadio
Dott. Mauro Dalla Serra
Dott. Lorenzo De Michieli
Ing. Cristiana Degano
Dott. Francesco Frassoni
Dott. Marco Fruscione
Dott. Luigi Pampana Biancheri
Dott. Paolo Pronzato
Dott. Gian Andrea Rollandi
Prof. Angelo Schenone
Dott. Roberto Tedone
Prof. Federico Zara



Statuto (pdf - 138.48 Kb )

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